We invite you to understand, apply and share this Thinking Skills Framework (in teacher-speak, also known as ‘Bloom’s Taxonomy of the Cognitive Domain’). We believe it is the most important cognitive framework that educators, business leaders and parents can use to encourage and structure critical thinking – from foundation to higher-order thinking, as well as creative, collaborative and cooperative thinking. It’s a powerful and simple structure for thinking that people of all ages can use to to approach any classroom activity, assessment task, project, meeting and even everyday life decisions.
You may also find this ‘Quick Guide’ helpful in understanding how to use this Framework: Quick Guide to the Thinking Skills Framework by Eric Frangenheim
This free download is great for you to print and refer to as a quick guide while lesson planning. However, if you want to share this Thinking Skills Framework with your students and staff on your classroom and staffroom walls then I encourage you to purchase the A1 posters from itc publications. Their professional range of posters help promote thinking and are beautifully designed to enhance your learning environment. Visit the itc publications shop here.